Expected Events 2023

Name: Description: Date: Place:
Trials for Tanzania Mainland players. Games that are player where all players play against each other regardless of their ranking and gender Every last Saturday and Sunday of the month starting February 2023 Start with Dar-es-Salaam. Expand to regions in later years
ITTF-ATTF African Eastern Region Senior Championships. Qualifier for Africa TT Championships. Held rotation-wise. This year being held Djibouti. 9-12 March Djibouti
African Clubs Championships. 1-3 May 2023 Nairobi, Kenya
ITTF Africa Cup. 4-6 May2023 Nairobi, Kenya
ITTF World Cup.
Africa TT Championships. Participation is determine by performance in the EA TT Championships TBC TBC
World Table Tennis Championships. Participation is determine by performance in the Africa TT Championships TBC TBC
ITTF-PTT Training Camp. Provided to Junior players held at the same venue as the Coaching course. After every two years 2-7 April Dar-es-Salaam
International Coaching Course (ITTF-PTT Level 1) The course is provided to selected people in-country. The ITTF has covered for some of the costs. This is offered after every other year. After every two years 27 March - 1 April Dar-es-Salaam
World Table Tennis Day It is held at the region level with participation of the national leadership at a selected region. 6 - April Dodoma
Inter Clubs League Bringing players from different clubs together. In this plan to start with clubs in Dares Salaam as a pilot. Later to expand to other regions. Venue to rotate from club to club 28 April - 28 may Dar-es-Salaam
National Championships Standing item in the calendar. Endorse players rankings and is closed-only Tanzanian nationals can participate. 3-5 June Dar-es-Salaam
Tanzania Open Championship (Singles and Doubles and Tanzania Open Veterans Championships) Invitations are open to anyone within and outside Tanzania 27-29 October Dar-es-Salaam
Tanzania Open Championship (Team Championships) Invitations are open to anyone within and outside Tanzania 8-10 December Morogoro
Participation in international/regional open TT championships (Zanzibar) TBC
Participation in international/regional open TT championships (Uganda) TBC
Participation in international/regional open TT championships (Kenya) TBC
Region Open Championships Each region to organize as per available resources Throughout the year All regions
China Tanzania Friendship Day Games between Tanzanian Nationals and Chinese Nationals-Facilitated by the Chinese Embassy 6-7 June Dar-es-Salaam
Election for remaining positions After the elections several positions remained unfilled. Including Vice Chairperson, Deputy Secretary General, etc. 1st June Dar-es-Salaam
Media events To raise awareness about table tennis development in Tanzania and therefore build popularity of the sport. Every last Saturday of the month Anywhere in the country
General Assembly 27-29 October Dar-es-Salaam
Participation in UMISETA Government general championships where table tennis is one of the participating sports country-wide.
Participation in UMITASHUMTA Government general championships where table tennis is one of the participating sports country-wide.
Prepare TTTA Four Year Medium Term Action Plan To indicate all interventions that will be undertaken during the four year period. February 2023 Dar-es-Salaam
Launch of the Four Year Medium Term Action Plan To let the public know about the planned events and activities for TTTA. To call upon sponsors to fund planned activities. 1st June Dar-es-Salaam